What condition your healing journey is in

What condition your healing journey is in
I desired to forge ahead and speak on the herbs and healing foods; however, I compared my journey to the journey of many others, and came to a conclusion: how about I first speak about (what we call in the healing community) “Healing Crisis!”
I first encountered this in 1993, a close friend of mine had a grandmother who was suffering from cancer of the lining of her lungs. Although she was strong and capable, she was going to have to go through this “healing crisis” in order to heal.
I can honestly say this was not what I anticipated when I walked into this journey- seeing someone in pain due to healing was something I never expected. You envision healing as this miracle that comes in like an angle on gossamer wings, and transforms pain into bliss.
Not so.
Of course, it would have been better if she had not been at such an advanced stage in her illness. None the less, her journey gave me an understanding of what we put our bodies through, and what we have to let go of- in order to heal- turning over pain and letting it go, is one of those things.
I learned that HEALING and TRANSFORMATION come slow for some and quickly for others. It depends on how much emotional pain you are willing to “liberate” from your temple and how much you are willing to adjust to your new pattern.
Today, I will dialogue on “Healing Crisis, and how to adjust.”
Understand you make a conscious choice to heal at your own pace. No currently known method is absolute, and the more you LOVE yourself, the better your outcome, and the easier this often challenging process will be.
Ponder this: take into account the years you have been on this earth eating solid foods. For some it is from about the age of 2 until now. In the beginning, you had no control over what you consumed. This led to a certain programming of what is good and what i undesirable. Family likes and dislikes, what, when, and how much you eat, etc.
The longer your time here, brings into question- how much time have you spent eating mindfully? What damage do you think you have caused during this time? Have you consumed large amounts of meat but hardly any fruits and vegetables? Have you consumed large amounts of alcohol? Have you had any longstanding illnesses? How many drugs, chemicals, toxins, poisons, and other harmful substances have you taken or been around over the years?
Wisely taking this into account, will help with your healing and transformation process.
Healing crisis occurs when you jump head first into cleansing, some of the symptoms of healing crisis are as follows: 1. High Blood Pressure 2. Flatulence 3. Weakness/ tiredness 4. Short temper/ irritability/ anxiety 5. Bad breath…(constant) 6. Headaches/ head rushes 7. Night sweats due to hormonal calibration (both men and women) 8. Mental confusion 9. Feelings of being lost or losing something 10. Rashes and skin eruptions
Now “Stop!” lol, I Love You!
I know some of you are saying “ NO, NOPE, NAW, no thanks!” I promise, if you endure this slowly and with mindful intent you will be just fine. How you ask…
PLEASE CONTINUE READING!!! For every year you have been on this earth take one thing from your diet you know is holding you back and work slowly on letting it go. In the process introduce something healthy as an alternative. If you start slowly and deliberately you can avoid pitfalls and what I call the boomerang affect… you throw it out and do away with it for a week or month and as soon as personal crisis hits you are looking down to the south end of a plate of cookies and ice-cream, wondering “how did I get here?”
Take these five steps:
1. Look to your current state of health, do you suffer from anything longstanding or reoccurring like: diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, cancer, or skin conditions or auto immune disease. If so find a holistic practitioner who is willing to work alongside your current practitioner in your healing process.
2. Slowly clear all processed foods from your diet, basically anything with a name longer than you can pronounce or dyes and colors or artificial flavors.
3. Slowly clear over processed meats from your diet, and if your journey is leading you to becoming a vegetarian replace these meats with textured protein until you have all the proper information you need on how to cook without meat and or meat substitutes. For those who love meat, make them small portions about the size of a deck of cards. Do this slowly, and add more veggies and fresh fruit.
4. Find a colon therapy practitioner who can help with the elimination of old and impacted matter in your colon. This part is of paramount importance because your colon not only stores fecal matter, but good and bad bacteria. The good works alongside your immune system, the bad actually if out of balance can cause things like autoimmune problems. I call this clearing out your basement…lol…
5. Begin to introduce things like Fiber, herbal teas, organic fruits and vegetables, and low impact high repetition workouts to get that blood flowing. This will help move those debris out quicker.
a. Fiber/ vegetables/ grains/ leafy greens/ b. Use the whole color spectrum of fruits and vegetables c. Use herbs like Ashwagandha to nourish the body Licorice to expel mucus, Ginger to stimulate the stomach and aid digestion, Cascara Sagrada to move your bowels.
6. Low impact, High repetition work outs a. Yoga ( Helps aid in Mind / Body balance and cleanses the joints and muscles)
b. Light weight lifting no more than 5-20lbs to strengthen and clear your muscles tissue, and keep you centered and strong along with core exercises to focus on lengthening your spine and helping you feel stable.
c. Walking 15-20-30 minutes a days to help with lower body circulation and colon elimination
Remember this is your healing journey, think of it as a mass excavation of things no longer needed and the desire to replace and replenish the body temple with substantial energy and vibrant life. I Love all of you, may this journey heal you, heal me and heal every personal environment we touch!